Urgent Jobs

Recruitment Solutions

  • IT Recruitment

  • Recruitment Process Outsourcing

IT Recruitment

In this era of advance technology, IT recruiting become a challenge to business. Information Technology positions maybe simple or complex. With the proof that online work is feasible from anywhere in the world, battle to get qualified employees becomes tighter with the additional competitor from across the globe. Traditional hiring will no longer work, with this abrupt change, it is imperative for the business to invest on IT recruitment solutions. Onward has built a large database of IT candidates within Metro Manila. We matched prospective candidates based on clients’ requirements and culture to ensure long term relationship. We understand each role. What kind of task they are doing. What major technologies they excelled. We have the channels to find them.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Our Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RFO) was designed to help start-ups to minimized cost with their talent acquisition cycle. You can either select Full RFO or Partial RFO.
    • Full RFO - We will manage the entire hiring procedure from sourcing, selection, assessment, job offer and onboarding.
    • Partial RFO – We will cover your hiring procedure from sourcing, assisting with selection process, salary benchmark for job offers and communicate with talent while undergoing onboarding.
By selecting RFO clients experience these benefits
    • Reduce time to hire
    • Reduce cost per hire
    • Consolidated data reporting
    • Enhance Company employee branding through enhance candidate experience

Start Hiring with Us.

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