
How to Apply for a Job in 6 Easy and Effective Steps

By: Indeed Editorial Team
February 23, 2021


Your job application package is the very first way you present yourself to a potential new employer, and so it is very important that you do it correctly. In this article, we'll define the job application process and define the six easy and effective steps to take to apply for a job you want.

What is a job application?

A job application is a formal document that sums up your factual education and experience for your potential employer. It contains confidential candidate information for both recruiters and hiring personnel to review.
You may find that when you go online to submit your resume to a company that you're asked to fill out a digital application. Other times, companies will ask you to come in and fill out an application by hand, often during the interview or onboarding process. Unlike your resume, your job application is a legally-defendable document. It's important that the information included is thorough and accurate.

Often, recruiters will include a digital job application as part of a job application package where you are asked to submit additional items like your resume, references and cover letter.


How to apply for a job

Here's how you can apply for a job that helps you achieve your career goals:

  1. Search for jobs in your field
  2. Research hiring companies
  3. Ready your resume for submission
  4. Decide if a cover letter is right for you
  5. Submit your resume and online application
  6. Application follow-up

Tips for applicants

Before you apply for a job, follow these tips to better prepare yourself for the application:

  • Review social media. First, review your social media. Make sure your privacy settings are set how you want them and that anything visible to the public is appropriately professional.

  • Locate hiring managers online. Using business social media sites and professional networks, you can connect with hiring managers at the companies you are interested in. This will allow you to connect with managers, personalize your communications and stand out as a candidate.

Connect with employees. Connect with other employees at the company to learn what it's like to work there, what kinds of things they look for in an employee and the overall culture of the business.

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